
Fra Fortune så kommer dagens sitat fra Steve Ballmer, Head Honcho i Microsoft:

Do you have an iPod ?

No, I do not. Nor do my children. My children–in many dimensions they’re as poorly behaved as many other children, but at least on this dimension I’ve got my kids brainwashed: You don’t use Google, and you don’t use an iPod.

Ser ikke helt logikken her, men men, det er jo godt at han putter pengene hvor munnen er. Det å si det på den måten i en stor publikasjon er kanskje litt drøyt.

Ellers så avslutter vi med et sitat Alf plukket opp fra Democracy Now med Tony Benn (Alf og Snabels favoritt-tidligere-politiker):

What do you make of Extraordinary rendition or what others call kidnapping ?

What is clearly known, the United States has found it convenient to send people they suspected of some terrorist acitivity to some country where torture occurs.

And to ship them there by aircraft.

Since the United States is a long way away from Jordan or Algeria or Egypt or some country where torture exists, they’ve been landing at British aiports.

Når dette uttales med en herlich überklasse dialekt, så blir det — som mastercard sier — ubetalelig.

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